I paint intuitively, allowing my work to develop on an emotional level. Shapes resembling houses started appearing in my paintings, leading to this body of work.
In a literal sense, a house is a structure with doors, windows, and several rooms. It becomes a home when one or more people live there. It becomes a place to return to - a place of shelter and comfort. In a metaphorical sense, the house shapes in these paintings may represent the “house of myself” containing my inner life…my body being the house, the rooms my inner life (spiritual, emotional, etc.). And just as the rooms in a literal house can become cluttered, the rooms in the house of myself (inner life) can become cluttered without some attention.
These images could also be seen as something that represents a shelter for my soul - a protection that allows me to be myself.
“Leaning” Acrylic w/ Caran D’Ache, 20 x 20, $450
‘‘Commercial District” Acrylic w/Collage & Caran D’Ache, 13x13 Framed, $225
“On the Rocks” Acrylic w/ Graphite & Caran DAche, 21x17 Framed, $420
“Fractures”, Acrylic w/ Collage & Marker, 10x10, $150
“Discord” Acrylic, 13.5 x 13.5 Framed, $225
“The Force of Possibility”, Acrylic w/ Caran d’Ache & Marker, 48 x 36, $1100
“Shelter” Acrylic, 36x36, $900
“Between the Heart & the Light” Acrylic w/ Oil Pastel, 20 x20, $450
“Elements of Memory”, Acrylic w/ Oil Pastel, 26x38 Framed, $698
“Staying Warm”, Acrylic w/ Caran D’Ache, 10x10, $150
“Light Beneath the Surface” Acrylic w/ Oil Pastel, 24x24, $530
“Dwellings” Acrylic, 17 x 21 Framed, $420
“The Noise of the Day”, Acrylic w/ Caran d’Ache, 48 x 36, $1100
“Neighbors” Acrylic w/ Oil Pastel & Marker, 10x10, $150
“Light in the Window” Acrylic w/ Caran D’Ache, 13x13 Framed, $225
“The Way of Rain” Acrylic w/ Collage & Oil Pastel, 17.25x13.25 Framed, $335
“Introvert” Acrylic w/ Oil Pastel, 21 x 17 Framed, $420